Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday Morning

I have to start this post by stating that I am amazed by the resilence of my child.

Also to mention that A is so big they don't have his size of diapers here they only go up to size 5 so he is in small adult diapers. Last night he was retaining over 4 lbs of fluid, and with his allergies he puffed up so much he looked like a little sumo wrestler. I insisted he get benadryl, and it was a bit of a struggle but I ended up talking to his surgical resident on the phone and he said give it. Within 20 minutes his puffiness started to come down and he started to move his fluid as well.

Today he is wonderful. Maybe too good, he has pulled off his chest monitors, he was chewing on his nasal prongs, and he tried to reach his oxygen saturation monitor on his toe, he couldn't reach it so everyone who comes in he shows it to them in the hopes they will remove it. He wanted to reach his dvd player buttons so bad he actually rolled over on his stomach, which is amazing considering how much they opened him up. I almost had a heart attack. He scared himself but was no worse for the event.

We weighed him this morning and he has lost about a 3/4 of a kilo of fluid. We changed out his bed linens, and we had a long cuddle, he immediately fell asleep in my arms and I cried in gratitude. I never thought 3 days after surgery I would be holding him so comfortably, he was completely unhooked. It is short of miracle.

Today he only has to have his oxygen monitor on, and he is getting some advil for the pain. He may have to have some phosphates but early bloodwork indicates he is doing well so maybe not. His liver is functioning well. His surgical team feels tomorrow they will release him into oncology's care, which won't mean much change for us except different doctor's and we go from recovery mode to chemo mode. This is easily 3 days earlier than expected. I feel great hope that we will take him home in a week.

He has given his daddy a smile, and his nurse even got a little laugh out of him. Soon he'll be running around that ward. I don't know if I could be so happy with all that has happened to him he is truly an amazingly wonderful soul. I feel there are great things ahead of him.

Thank you all again for the care, love, support, prayers and positive thoughts.

Mom, Dad, A and The Godfather.

1 comment:

  1. Yay. Good news as he looked pretty big...bigger than night.

    Glad to hear he is smiling again. That's good news for the rest of us who like seeing his smiles.

