Monday, April 26, 2010

Awesome News

Today I got awesome news A's AFP on Wednesday April 21, was 1346. Which means it has dropped a lot faster than they expected. It is just so wonderful. Now I believe it wasn't just surgery that made it drop. We are truly blessed.

A is just doing so wonderful, he is definitely thriving, I don't think when you look at him you would know in the past month he has had cancer and major surgery just a few weeks ago. He is eating normally now. He is sleeping better and doesn't seem to have nightmares as often. I notice his words are coming back and he is starting to try and stand by himself more. Soon I won't be able to keep up with him at all.

He was in the fashion show for his cloth diaper service wearing a wonderful swim diaper that is SPF of 50 and he rocked it. I heard he was hamming it up on stage (I couldn't see his face for the bucket hat) and some one commented to me that every time they looked at him he was smiling. When we were on stage together I was overwhelmed with gratitude for how lucky we are.

I will be ecstatic when they decide they can take his IVAD out and stop testing every week. It was a little traumatic for him getting his blood drawn in GP cancer clinic because I forgot to tell them that he had 3/4 size IVAD and they had to poke him twice. For me it really cements that I want to move closer to the Stollery, the care there was beyond awesome. And unfortunately we will continue to monitor and test him until he is eight or more. But we will get through it.

We continue to stay positive and strong in our little family. Thank you all again for your love, care, support, and prayers.

Carrieann, Clint, and A

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