Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thus AM

I spent the night with Alexander. Hopefully gave Carrie a chance to catch a bit of wind before the ensuing days. He had a very long did his Godfather. Nobody got sleep and he definitely was uncomfortable. He could only have a limited amount of pain control last night as his oxygen and breathing were a little lower than they'd normally allow if giving Morphine. So he had to tough it out through more pain than either of us would have liked him to feel. He also hates his lines and nose clip (for oxygen) so it was a constant battle to keep his hands away so he didn't pull the lines out. He's not big on being held down so it was kind of a give and take evening. I'd take away his ability to lift his arms very high, he'd give me a lot of grumpy about having to live with that. The staff were really wonderful to him and did what they could given his options. It was hard on them because he would be somewhat willing to calm if I was there but if I left for a washroom break or water break I'd come back to him being in a turmoil and it took time to calm him again.

I also noticed if other babies in the ICU were in distress he would stress. One family's child lost their battle this morning and it took everything I could muster to keep him from losing it. He was so distressed by the commotion and the energy of them trying to work on her. Very sad moment for so many people in the unit.

Carrie and Clint came up this morning and he was doing a bit better. His oxygen was getting a bit better and I think he was so exhausted from fighting all night that he seemed like he might sleep a bit. Though he knows me I have to imagine it will help him today to get mom hugs and also to get some food. He hasn't eaten for about 36 hours so must be starving.

As of this morning they are thinking maybe another day in ICU just because of his need for supplimental oxygen. Strength certainly isn't his issue I can attest to that. He even managed to deek me and the nurse out and pulled out one of his IV lines so he hasn't lost reflexes either.

My gut sense is that he is ok and is just working his way out of a pretty tough surgery. I'm hopeful with those hugs, food, maybe some rest today that he'll make big steps. Also hoping with all that stuff he'll get his oxygen levels up a bit so he can get some help with pain control...which also should help him along.

Off to try and sleep. I'll post more in the evening as there is no internet access at the hospital. Mind boggling in this day and age.



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